Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pathways Open House

From: ktarullo@ci.olympia.wa.us
To: ktarullo@ci.olympia.wa.us
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 14:41:24 -0700
Subject: [olympianeighborhoods] Neighborhood Pathways Open House - Nov 15

The City launched our Neighborhood Pathways program in September. Staff is very excited about this new opportunity for neighborhoods. Pathways make walking and biking trips more efficient, and have the potential to create safer route options. 
Open House: Thursday, November 15, 6PM – 8PM, City Hall, Room 207
The City is hosting an open house for residents to come and talk with staff and Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee members, and have any questions answered about the program. Staff will provide maps of Olympia and potential pathway sites, notebooks with an inventory of existing pathways, and examples of pathway projects from the pathways pilot program. Join us anytime between 6PM and 8PM if you are interested in the program and would like more information.
Preliminary Application Deadline: Friday, November 30 (Extended)
We encourage neighborhoods to look into how pathways can benefit their neighborhoods. The preliminary application is a quick and simple process that allows neighborhoods to tell the City what their priority is for a pathway project, and how they see it benefitting their neighborhood. A full project scope and budget is not required until the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee reviews all Preliminary Applications and invite groups to submit Full Proposals. Please see the process timeline on our webpage (below).
New Pathways Map
We are excited to share a map of pathways in Olympia, located on our Neighborhood Pathways webpage. The pathway data on this map may not be current, but will give an idea of where there is potential for building formal pathways in your neighborhood. Please feel free to let me know if you have edits to this map, this map is a work in progress and staff knows there are likely pathways out there that we are not aware of. 
Please feel free to contact me with questions about the program.
Kerry Tarullo Associate Planner
Public Works Transportation City of Olympia 360.753.8575 


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Arts Walk Cover - Honoraria


Date: November 5, 2012
Released by:
·         Stephanie Johnson, Arts & Events Program Manager
·         360.709.2678
·         sjohnso1@ci.olympia.wa.us
Applications for the 2013 Arts Walk Cover Art Search Due November 19.
Olympia Arts Walk spring and fall 2013 will each celebrate the work of a participating artist in the design of the maps for the events.  A jury panel will select two artists --one for spring and one for fall-- to be commissioned by the City of Olympia to each create a new, original work of art for the cover of the Arts Walk 2013 maps.  These maps are a major part of event promotion, and final artwork will be viewed in a variety of ways, up close and from a distance, and reproduced in several different media including newsprint.

Application Details:

·         Eligibility - Artists who have officially (name on the map) participated in Olympia’s Arts Walk within the last two years are invited  to submit images of current work; students are not eligible to apply.
·         Honoraria - $600
·         Deadline for Receipt of Application - Monday, November 19, 2012, 7pm
·         Applications Available -      Online:  www.olympiawa.gov/publicartCFA
                                               Via Email:  sjohnso1@ci.olympia.wa.us
                                               By Calling:  360.709.2678
                                               In Person:  The Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St. NW

Pathways Project Update

Here's an update from the NWONA board on our plans for submitting an application (or two!) for all the ideas being generated in the neighborhood for making more walking/biking connections.
The NWONA board has asked board members Dorothy & Susan to co-chair this process. They are facilitating the first meeting on Thursday, November 8, 2012, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Vic's Pizzeria. (Don't worry, if you can't make that meeting--you can still be involved!)

Please let Dorothy & Susan know if you can attend by emailing ournwona@gmail.com or signing up at our NextDoor site so they'll know how much space to reserve at Vic's. Dorothy & Susan are also monitoring and compiling all the great ideas flowing here on the NextDoor Pathways group!
Additionally, the City is hosting an open house Q&A time on Thursday, November 15, 6-8 p.m. at City Hall. Dorothy & Susan will attend that meeting, and invite you to join them so NWONA neighbors can attend in unison. Hope we see you there! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Westside Break-In

 Laura Wohl, Public Information Officer
·         360.753.8214 – desk
·         360.951.8889 – mobile
·         lwohl@ci.olympia.wa.us<mailto:lwohl@ci.olympia.wa.us>

Break-in on the Westside

At around midnight on October 31, 2012, a woman woke in her Westside home to find a masked intruder at the foot of her bed.  The man held a butcher knife and demanded that she give him money, which she did.  The crime was not reported until this morning when the frightened victim talked with her neighbor who then called the police.  The victim was unable to give a description of the robber because of the mask.  Neighbors reported seeing two men leaving the area of the victim's front yard around the time of the incident.  

Olympia Police officers have developed several persons of interest and the investigation is on-going.  Anyone with information about this crime is urged to call the Olympia Police Department at 360.704.2740 or Thurston County Crimestoppers at 360.493.2222 (callers may remain anonymous).

Laura Wohl | Public Information Officer - Police Department
City of Olympia WA | PO Box 1967 | Olympia WA 98507-1967
phone:  360-753-8214
email:    lwohl@ci.olympia.wa.us<mailto:lwohl@ci.olympia.wa.us>

All correspondence to and from this email address is a public record, potentially eligible for release.
City of Olympia website:  www.olympiawa.gov<http://www.olympiawa.gov/>

New Meeting Space

Invitation to Share:  The EcoHouse@Fertile Ground
Dear Friends,
After two years of preparations, we're excited to invite our friends to The EcoHouse@Fertile Ground - a new community meeting place, shared office and workspace. It's a small comfortable house with good energy, part of an urban oasis of sustainability in the heart of Olympia.
Looking for an office space close to Downtown?
Need a meeting or event space?  
If you are a non-profit, small business or individual who needs a flexible comfortable place to do your green thing… look no further!
We're seeking several new office-mates and community space users beginning November 2012!   Support the Commons and join our collaborative community.
Looking for the perfect space for a Board Meeting? 
A Holiday Party? 
Secret CafĂ©?  
Class or Workshop?
Need a professional space to meet your clients? 
A quiet place to work?
We’ve got you covered.  You and your partners will be impressed with the warm, clean meeting rooms and beautiful natural surroundings.  You’ll feel great about working alongside others creating a better world.  The Location is central and easy to find – right behind the library.
Visit our website for options and rental pricing.  Contact us by email or phone if you have questions or want to schedule a time to come by for an hour or two, give it a test drive. 
We’ll keep the coffee warm until then.
Chris van Daalen, Board Member
Jeff Thomas, Board Member
The Commons@Fertile Ground
Chris:  (360) 789-9669                                                           
Jeff:  (360) 239-7564