Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Skills Exchange

Calling All Do-ers, Repairers and Makers!!
Transition Olympia is sponsoring RE-SKILLING events at the Love Our Local (LOL) Fest as well as the Olympia Village Building Convergence (OlyVBC).  We seek local folks who have a skill they’d be willing to share.
At LOL on August 19th from 1-9pm, near the San Francisco Bakery:  Offer a brief (30-60 minute) presentation one or more times during the day.  This could also be a prelude to a more extensive workshop during the VBC or later in the year as part of a Re-Skilling Fair. 
At VBC the week of August 19th-25th:  Offer a more in-depth workshop, where folks get hands-on practice learning the skill.  These workshops would need to be free-of-charge, in the spirit of VBC.
Re-Skilling Fair:  We are in the beginning stages of planning a more extensive program for later in the year.  More to come…
Skills run the gamut, from drop-spindle wool spinning, to cob construction, to darning socks, weaving baskets, making a mason-bee house, filtering water, buying and using hand tools, making soap, etc… anything that contributes to our resilience and interdependence, as individuals and as a community.
If you or anyone you know would like to participate and help build our local community, please complete the attached survey.  For more information contact Gita Moulton at gitamoulton@earthlink.net.
Look forward to hearing from you!!

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