Tuesday, August 16, 2011

711 Appeal: City Wants to Stop Public Hearing

Dear Neighbors, Friends and Opponents of the 7-Eleven,

On August 5th, at the request of the City's Hearing Examiner, we submitted our list of specific issues appealing the city's approval of the 7-Eleven in our neighborhood at the intersection of Harrison and Division.  (attached)

We hope to address all these issues at the ONLY formal public hearing that the City of Olympia government has allowed us and neighbors paid $1000  to have this hearing.  This hearing before the Hearing Examiner is scheduled for Wednesday, September 7th, at 6:30 pm in City Hall.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

Now, however, on August 11th, the City of Olympia's deputy city attorney, Darren Nienaber, has asked the Hearing Examiner to dismiss our appeal before the public hearing can take place!

We expected Michael A. Jenkins, the Vancouver "developer," to do his best to dismiss our appeal, but we did not expect the City itself to try and stifle the one public hearing citizens might have to get their views officially recorded and the 7-Eleven project evaluated on its merits.

To me, this action by the City's attorney shows yet again how absolutely ludicrous it is for the city to claim, as it does, that they are interested in neighborhood opinion and are supportive of local business.

We will, of course, oppose this effort by the City attorney to silence the over 1000 citizens, businesses and neighborhood associations opposed to this 7-Eleven and ask the Hearing Examiner to let our voices be heard and our arguments be presented on September 7th.


Dan Leahy

1415  6th Avenue SW
Olympia, WA. 98502
(360) 402-0441

Note:  We need pictures of trucks making deliveries to convenience stores in the Olympia area.  Please take the photos and let me know.

Note:  I have found two neighbors who own property adjacent to the proposed 7-Eleven and who sent in formal comments but were not placed on the list of "parties of record" by city planner, Kraig Chalem.  If you sent in written comments to the city and did not receive the "Notice of Land Use Approval," please let me know. 

cc: Olympia Citizens who are parties to this dispute
      1200 Petition signers who expressed opposition to the City
      SW Olympia Neighborhood Association who opposed the 711
      Twelve Local Businesses in opposition the 711
      Local Media Outlets.

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