Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Storm Debris Drop-off

The City of Olympia has identified two locations where recent storm debris can be deposited at no cost to Olympia residents.  The location and hours of operation are provided at the following web site:

The City will contact neighborhood associations (e.g. NWONA) in early February to determine if neighborhood collection sites for the remaining debris need to be identified.

The City is also evaluating the condition of trees on City of Olympia right-of ways.  Residents are invited to report possible "hazard" trees to Julie Mongey at the City by e-mail or phone during office hours:

·         phone:  753.8391.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Home Security

The January 18 edition of the Olympian had a long article on home security.  It quoted both Amy Stull of the Olympia Police Department and Darin Reedy, a security consultant to the Department.  To read the article, go to:

Officer Stull said she would be willing to meet with interested residents of the Northwest Neighborhood to discuss home security measures.  Please post a comment to this note if you would be interested in such a meeting.

At our December meeting, Officer Shelby Nutter of the Olympia Police stated that residents can access a web site that contains infomation on all crime within a neighborhood.  The address of the site is:

I have visited the site.  It is a bit slow to load.  You may enter any address (in Olympia) and a map will show crime by type, location, and date.

Jerry Parker

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ideas for Neighborhood Grant?

The following notification was sent by Jennifer Kinny, the City liaison with NWONA.
Please put suggestions on the blog (comment) and send me an e-mail to assure the Board can consider the idea for submission on behalf of NWONA. (my e-mail address:

The "Mad Tom" pocket park at Madison and Thomas was funded by a similar grant.


2012 Neighborhood Matching Grants Annouced! 

Good Afternoon,
It’s a new year and that means a new opportunity to create something wonderful in your neighborhood. The 2012 Neighborhood Matching Grant applications are now being accepted! They are offered earlier this year so that you have more time to work on your projects.
Need ideas? Past projects include community gathering spots through our Neighborhood Nooks program, walking paths through the
Public Pathways Project, murals, welcome signs, community bulletin boards, a sustainability fair, rain gardens and many other creative ideas!

The criteria and application are available HERE! Just scroll down to the bottom of the page to the heading “Grants.”
While you’re there, check out the many resources for neighborhood associations.
The deadline to apply is February 1st at 5:00pm.

Jennifer Kenny, Associate Planner
City of Olympia Community Planning & Development
601 4th Avenue East
PO Box 1967
Olympia WA 98507-1967
Tel: 360-753-8031
Fax: 360-753-8087

Artist Alert!

Artist Alert!

The downtown Olympia Parking and Business Improvement Area Board has  a competition for "enhancement" of the Artesian Well Project. The objective is, in the words of the sponsors, "to create a more inviting, welcoming atmosphere" at the project.  An honorarium not to exceed $4,500 is being offered to the selected artist.
The deadline for application in January 31, 2012.

For details, go to

Useful Neighborhood News

Jennifer Kinny, the City liaison with NWONA, sent the following information:

Useful Neighborhood News

Good Morning,

We’ve had a few soggy days with more likely as winter marches on. The City offers information on flooding and emergency preparedness. You may also want to organize a neighborhood-wide emergency preparedness training through the CERT program.

During these darker months it’s also critical for cyclists and pedestrians to make sure they are visible to drivers. Check out Light-up Olympia