Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Home Security

The January 18 edition of the Olympian had a long article on home security.  It quoted both Amy Stull of the Olympia Police Department and Darin Reedy, a security consultant to the Department.  To read the article, go to:


Officer Stull said she would be willing to meet with interested residents of the Northwest Neighborhood to discuss home security measures.  Please post a comment to this note if you would be interested in such a meeting.

At our December meeting, Officer Shelby Nutter of the Olympia Police stated that residents can access a web site that contains infomation on all crime within a neighborhood.  The address of the site is:


I have visited the site.  It is a bit slow to load.  You may enter any address (in Olympia) and a map will show crime by type, location, and date.

Jerry Parker


  1. at 1/24/12 city council meeting it was suggested that neighborhood associations could maintain a list of vulnerable residents (seniors, disabled, etc.) so as to get other neighbors to look in on these folks during severe weather events like we just experienced. I support this idea as a good activity for neighborhood associations. neighbors looking in on neighbors. this list should be maintained off-line and kept by association Officers in case of emergency. Officers can then check on people or assign this task to other neighbors during emergencies.

  2. A few weeks ago, in the middle of the day, a neighbor driving by noticed a suspicious looking person prowling around our home on Rogers Street, and called the police. They responded quickly but unfortunately did not find the suspect... I feel extremely lucky for the keen eye of a neighbor, as I was home alone with my infant son, oblivious to anyone lurking around. Hopefully the prowler saw the police presence and won't be back in our neighborhood!
    Get to know your neighbors, help them, and they will help you!
