Date: May 30, 2012
Released by:
· Laura Wohl, Public Information Officer
· Phone: 360.753.8214, Cell: 360.951.8889
Broken Windows at Satellite Police Station
The City of Olympia Westside police station located at 221 Perry Street NW was vandalized last night between 11pm and 3am, Wednesday morning. Most of the windows in the building were broken. It appears that a hammer or similar tool was used based on the pattern of the broken glass. No entry was gained through the damaged windows and the Police Department believes that vandalism was the primary purpose for the breakage. The police have no suspects at this time and no motive for the crime is apparent.
Anyone with information about the vandalism is asked to call the Olympia Police Department at 360-753-8300.
These clowns are taking credit: http://anarchistnews.org/content/olympia-police-station-attacked-solidarity-st-louis-m24-arrestees