The Comprehensive Plan provides an opportunity to look ahead. The current draft from the City has one particular provision that should get attention from this neighborhood: the proposal for a high density corridor for 1/4 mile on either side of Harrison.
The following excerpt is taken from the draft:
Over time, areas near certain major streets will change from areas dominated by strip commercial development and other low intensity uses into ‘urban corridors’ with a mix of high-density uses where people enjoy walking, shopping, working, and living. ........These corridors, first described in the 1993 Thurston Regional Transportation Plan, should include supporting land uses such as community centers, day care centers, social service offices, educational functions, and parks and other public open space.....
- A compatible mixture of housing, such as apartments and townhouses, within or near commercial uses
- Excellent, frequent transit service
- Housing and employment densities sufficient to support that transit service
- Wide sidewalks with street trees, attractive landscaping, and benches
- Multi-story buildings oriented toward the street rather than to parking lots
- Parking spaces located behind the buildings or in structures
Slightly less intensive land uses at the fringes of the corridors will provide for a gradual transition from the intense activity of the major street edge to less dense areas about one-quarter mile from the main street.
(A map of the proposed corridors:
This excerpt and additional details can be viewed at:
City staff is currently revising the initial draft in response to public comment. A new draft will be issued July 6. Hearings on the new draft are scheduled for July 23, 25, and, if necessary, July 26.
For more details, visit the Imagine Olympia web site:
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